Improving human-computer interaction – Leap Motion

This new technology seems to be very promising.

It will be very helpful for designing and fairing hull shapes.
When designing a hull in a CAD software such as Maxsurf, the designer needs to move and play around control points that make the final shape of the yacht. I always wanted to have ‘something more’ than just the mouse and keyword and being able to move those control points with my hands, “as in the boatyard”. If Leap Motion is integrated with boat design softwares (Maxsurf, Freeship, Orca3D, etc.) it will make the process of making a new boat design much easier, faster and enjoyable.

This new technology combined with voice recognition is an absolute winner.

Patents – Photogrammetry or videogrammetry

Patents - Photogrammetry or videogrammetry

It is interesting to see the different Patents categories at
It shows a nice overview of many industry sectors.

In particular, B63 – Ships or other waterborne vessels; Related equipment (90,736)

Most of the patents have drawings and sketches describing the system.

Action: search for kites, kiteboarding, etc. in

Sketch visualization for websites – Sketchfab


This website is not quite related to the project but is a good tool for showing 3D models in websites.

<h3>Maison d’artiste (<a href=”; title=”View this on Sketchfab” target=”_blank”>click to view in 3D</a>)</h3>;<a href=”; title=”Maison d’artiste” target=”_blank”><div style=”position: absolute; top: 140px; left: 183px; height: 82px; width: 82px; cursor: pointer; background: url( no-repeat;background-size: cover;”></div><a href=”; title=”Maison d’artiste” target=”_blank”><img src=”; alt=”Maison d’artiste”/></a>



[b]Maison d’artiste[/b] ([url=]click to view in 3D[/url])


The example above was found on

Tracking the path of your board – ShadowBox

This device allows to track the path of the board as shown in the video below.

Personal 3D GPS Sports Recorder


Apparently it is no longer in production.

Automatic Cameraman System:

Here is a new gadget I came across that should be really useful for the project.

It is an Automatic Tracking Tripod System, that will Motion Tracking from the shore.


I found their business and marketing strategy very similar to the GoPro. Also the end user is basically the same. It’s is a complementary product with the GoPro.


The instructions manual:

About the founders and how the product emerges from a need and desire:

The project on KICKSTARTER:

ACTION: conduct further research into other similar systems; Automatic cameraman 




Delivered Total price to Australia (March 2013): $569 (usd)